SAENA Code of Ethics


  1. Members will observe the provisions of the Association’s Constitution, policies and rules.
  2. Members will treat the other members of the Association with respect.
  3. Members will act so as not to bring the Association or its mission into disrepute.
  4. Members are committed to continuing professional development in order to maintain and improve their professional knowledge and skills.

Duty of care

  1. Members will conduct themselves ethically and professionally at all times.
  2. Members will competently assist the companion pet or horse in their care and provide treatment with skill, competence, diligence and care.
  3. Members will always maintain the highest standards of professional conduct and duty of care to the animal in their care.
  4. Members will never knowingly undertake any action or treatment that could adversely affect the health of the animal. Members will properly consider contraindications for the animal in their care and adjust their treatment as appropriate.
  5. Members will never make a diagnosis and will ensure that any diagnoses is gained from a vet.
  6. Members will show respect and care for the animals in their care. Members must behave with courtesy and respect toward the owners of the animals.
  7. Members recognise their limitations and the competence of other healthcare professionals and, when indicated, recommend that additional opinions and services be sought.

Professional Conduct

  1. Members must adhere to the State, Territory and Federal law within the scope of their practice.
  2. A Member is to recognise a responsibility to give the generally held opinions of the relevant discipline when interpreting and conveying scientific or empirical knowledge to owners or to the general public. Where a Member presents any personal opinions, which are contrary to the generally held opinion of the discipline, they must clearly indicate that this is so.
  3. A Member will not provide false information on any documents.
  4. A Member will not use or recommend any unsafe or improper practice.
  5. A Member will at all times show due respect and co-operate with practitioners of other disciplines.
  6. Members must never claim to “cure”. The possible therapeutic benefits may be described as recovery, but this must never be guaranteed.
  7. Members will ensure that they are medically, physically and psychologically fit to practice.
  8. Members will not offer telephone or internet treatment opinions without first having personally seen the animal under question.
  9. A Member will not use their professional connections or affiliations in an unconscionable manner.
  10. Student Members will not provide treatments other than as part of supervised training.


  1. A Member will not disclose information obtained in confidence from or about any animal in their care unless written consent has been given by the owner.
  2. Members are to keep Client records confidential at all times and access restricted to the Member or assistant, except where consent has been obtained from the owner and then only to the extent of the agreed disclosure.

Full Memberships

Practitioners who have completed one of the SAENA accredited courses are eligible for membership of SAENA.

SAENA members are eligible to be listed on the SAENA Practitioner Listing, which generally displays in the top 5 Google search results. They are also eligible to display the SAENA logo on their promotional material, demonstrating their standard of professionalism and excellence in their chosen field.

Membership renewals

Full membership of SAENA costs $100, charged annually from the 1st of July each year.


Students studying an accredited course are eligible for free Student Membership of SAENA until they achieve the first component of their certification.

To apply for Student Membership please complete the attached SAENA Membership form, complete the relevant details, scan the completed form and send it to along with proof of enrolment from the College.

Honorary Membership

The SAENA Executive may grant Honorary Membership to someone who had demonstrated significiant and ongoing commitment and contribution to furthering the aims and objectives of SAENA, but who is not a qualified small animal or equine practitioner.